Distant Healing for People and Animals

What is Distant or Absent Healing?

It is possible to send healing energies over any distance. If you or a loved one (human or animal) is in need of healing then I would be pleased to help.   This is an in-depth healing treatment which takes about an hour.  I need a photograph of the recipient to be able to focus upon them.  Most of my treatments can be carried out distantly.   I also offer healing via telephone.  Please contact me for information about this service.

The cost for distant healing is £75 for people and animals


Step 1 Information Required 

Please send me an email to clyde.hughes@btopenworld.com  that you are requesting absent healing and send me the following information –

State if person or animal requires healing –

Person or Animal Name —

If animal which type and breed  of animal –

Country —

Condition/ ailments / injuries —

Step 2 Photographs 

Email me  2  photographs of the person or animal who needs healing -one photograph of the face so i can see the eyes and a photograph of the body -please state the person or animal name when sending photographs as reference

Step 3 Payment

Payment is required via Bank Transfer or Paypal to my email address clyde.hughes@btopenworld.com


If you wish to pay by bank transfer i will send you my details

Alternatively You can also send a cheque payable to Clyde Hughes at the address shown on the Contact page. an appointment date will be issued once the cheque has cleared

I will be in touch to confirm that your healing request has been received.  I will let you know when the healing will take place and I will arrange with you regarding feedback after the healing

Healing will not take place until the correct payment is received.

Please note that I cannot offer any guarantee that the healing will work but I will do my best to help.  Please note that more than one treatment may be necessary and we suggest having four depending on the condition.  We will welcome your feedback and ask that you keep us informed of  their progress.

£75.00  FOR ANIMALS   £75.00  FOR PEOPLE

Testimonial on distant healing over the phone “I settled on a phone healing session with Clyde due to distance. I did not know what to expect but found his gentleness, compassion and skill enabled him to quickly “see” where I was hurting physically and emotionally and to help me. I hope to have more treatments with Clyde in the future”. Kath B.

MY BOOK – Angelic Dowsing –The path to divine healing – How to heal

people and animals. Author – Clyde Hughes 

Angelic Dowsing -The path to divine healing

Angelic Dowsing -The path to divine healing

£14.99 plus from £3.50 postage depends on country . Available to purchase directly from Clyde by sending an email with your full name and contact details  payment can be made by CHEQUE  payable  to Clyde Hughes or BY BANK TRANSFER or you can order a kindle from amazon


Dr Clyde Hughes shares with you what he has learnt over more than 30 years working as a healer, medium, dowser, space clearer and exorcist.     Clyde runs an animal healing sanctuary and all proceeds from this book will go to help run his sanctuary. I have had amazing things happen to me over the years; some good; some bad, which I’ll share with you in this book.

This book teaches you how to perform healing on people and animals, how to dowse from start to finish and how to locate by dowsing your Spirit Animals, Guides and Angels.

Clyde shares with you case studies of miraculous healings.

I use divining rods and the pendulum to actually locate energy blocks in the body and to locate blocked chakras.

This book teaches you to find any negative energy /spirits that have attached to you which can bring ill health and exhaustion. Are you feeling depressed and drained of energy and cannot shut your mind off ? Find out what could be causing it with this book.

Clyde will show you how to Dowse form start to finish. Select and programme your divining instruments. Find energy blocks in your body. Check crystals for negative vibrations and how to clear them. Check your beliefs ..find out what your subconscious mind is thinking . Check your aura and chakras for blocks or damage. Check yourself for curses and vows that can bring poverty bad luck and illness. How to set a crystal grid. Find out how to locate your guardian angel and how to do smudging and space clearing.


The Daily Mail Article 29th May 2018

Magical healers who ‘cured’ these pets after vets had written them off: Sounds barking? These owners were sceptical too – until their animals defied the odds
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5780735/Magical-healers-cured-pets-vets-written-off.html#ixzz5GuhKeU8F

please ignore the information below

Your Name* (required)

Your Email* (required)

Is your request for a person or animal?*

person animal 

Name of person or animal who needs healing

If the recipient is an animal please write in this
box what type of animal they are

Where does the recipient live?

Town or City*


Details about their condition or problem*

I will be paying via  Paypal, credit or debit card Cheque

Please scroll down for the next steps