Welcome to the Shangrala Healing Centre

My book Angelic Dowsing -The path to divine healing

“If you or your pet are feeling unwell or need a boost please consider healing. It can’t harm and often helps a lot”
Dr Clyde Hughes R.H.INHA S.N.H.S.Dip Hypnotherapy
“My name is Dr Clyde Hughes. I have been a healer and medium/psychic in Swansea in South Wales for over 35 years. I give healing to people and animals including horses, cats and dogs so your pets are also warmly welcomed.
Please visit my Testimonials page to read feedback from my clients, pet owners and people who have attended my healing courses and workshops.
BOOK RELEASE – I have published a book called Angelic Dowsing -The path to divine healing -How to heal people and animals. available to purchase directly from Clyde or amazon .
*NEW DVD called Angelic dowsing -A 1 hour special were Clyde demonstrates some of the healing work he carries out. please see the for sale page for more information
I offer a wide range of healing treatments including:-
If you are not sure which healing treatment would suit you best then please ring me for a chat or click to read about my healing treatments
Who Can I Help?
My healing treatments can help to alleviate a wide variety of ailments and illnesses. I work with clients who suffer from depression, anxiety, fears through to clients suffering serious illnesses such as cancer, etc.. Healing is also ideal if you feel you need a boost with your health and wellbeing. My clients include people of all ages and pets including cats, dogs, ponies, horses and rabbits. I can’t promise to cure everyone but I’ll do my very best for everyone. > read testimonials
The Daily Mail Article 29th May 2018
Magical healers who ‘cured’ these pets after vets had written them off: Sounds barking? These owners were sceptical too – until their animals defied the odds
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5780735/Magical-healers-cured-pets-vets-written-off.html#ixzz5GuhKeU8F
Spiritual Workshops & Courses
We run courses including Reiki and Angelic Dowsing – Learn how to heal people and animals which is based around my book “. > read about our spiritual courses
Dr Clyde Hughes is registered with:-British Register of Complementary Practitioners
The International Federation of Crystal Healers
International Natural Healers Association
Are You New to Healing?
If you are new to all this don’t worry! I can explain more if you come along or please email me with any questions. I’m more than happy to answer any queries! My Treatments page explains more about what is involved when you come along for healing.
You don’t have to believe in healing for it to work, you just have to have an open mind and wish to get well. Animals have no religious beliefs but they often get well after treatments. Most animals make a real improvement after treatment and they all seem to really enjoy the process, as do my human clients! It is a real treat to have a healing treatment, even if there’s nothing wrong with you. It’s really relaxing and de-stressing.
My Qualifications & Experiences

Purpose-built relaxing treatment room
I have been studying and practising healing for over 30 years and I am a Reiki and Seichim Master (teacher). I am a qualified Theta DNA and Soul Healer (teacher). I have a doctorate in Spiritual and Angel Healing and Spiritual Counselling. I am a qualified hypnotherapist and am ordained as a Minister.
I am also a 5th Dan karate instructor (which uses the same chi energy that is used in healing). > read more about my qualifications
Shangrala Healing Centre
I have set up the Shangrala Healing Centre at my farm near Neath and Swansea in South Wales. I have a purpose-built waiting room and relaxing private treatment rooms with ample free car parking.

Comfortable waiting room
Appointments must be booked prior to your visit. > click here for contact details and directions.
If you are unable to travel to my Healing Centre, I can work with you at a distance either over the telephone or via email if you send me a photograph. > read more about Distant Healing.
If you would like to know more about healing please visit my Treatments page. My healing does not interfere with conventional medicine as it’s natural. Healing can work alongside any other treatment or medication. Why not give it a try?
I also work with my Spirit Guides, Angels, Archangels and the Lords of Karma to release personal karma.
Please contact me on 01792 791641 or 07710381999 if you have any queries.
Best wishes,
Dr Clyde Hughes R.H.INHA S.N.H.S.Dip Hypnotherapy